Raven Rocks Farm – Blowing Rock NC
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you offer farm tours or pick-your-own?
We do not offer farm tours or pick-your-own for several reasons. The farm road is accessible only to high clearance vehicles, and parking is very limited to nonexistent. In addition, we do not have the time capacity it takes for tours and supervising pick-your-own. To compensate, this website offers abundant Photographs and Descriptions of the farm.
What About Food Safety?
Raven Rocks Farm has a food safety plan developed by a food safety expert. In our 146 year history, we have never had an incident involving contaminated food.
Is Your Farm Organic?
For ten years, most of our crops were certified organic. Recently, however, I decided not to reapply for certification for several reasons based on markets, a change in crops grown (some crops are very difficult to grow organically), and the cost and time involved in certification. That said, with my experience I can testify to the efficacy of organic principles and still use some organic practices even though I’m not certified. These practices include natural fertilize, organic pesticides, cover crops, and crop rotation.
