Raven Rocks Farm
Watauga County, North Carolina
Welcome to Raven Rocks Farm
Raven Rocks Farm in Watauga County, North Carolina, produces heirloom apples, vegetables and cattle. The farm has been in the same family since 1875, and designated a North Carolina Century Farm by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture.
Raven Rocks Farm Fresh Products are sold only through
High Country Food Hub. Check their website for availability.
• Potatoes: Usually available November – January.
• Cabbage: July – November.
• Apples: September – October.
• Sweet Corn: Harvested in August and September, but intermittently.
Raven Rocks Farm Location
Raven Rocks Farm is a 13 acre farm located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, on the west slope of the escarpment. The name is taken from rock outcroppings at the crest of the Ridge, bordering the property. Raven Rocks Farm is on the eastern continental divide. Brewer’s Creek, a headwater stream of the New River (part of the Mississippi River watershed), flows along the edge of the farm. The watershed of the Yadkin River is only a few hundred feet from the farm’s boundary. The land is in the Aho Community of Watauga County, between Boone and Blowing Rock, North Carolina. The farm offers a panoramic view of Flat Top Mountain. Elk Knob and Snake Mountain are also visible. Grandfather Mountain can be seen from the crest of the Ridge.
Interesting Facts About Raven Rocks Farm
• The property is protected by a perpetual conservation easement held by Blue Ridge Conservancy, which prohibits subdivision of the land and any additional buildings.
• Unexplained, strange lights have been observed on the farm, going back at least as far as the early 20th century.
• The farm road was once part of an old wagon road from the Aho Community to Blowing Rock, NC.
Mr. Kelly Coffey, Owner
1757 Aho Road
Blowing Rock, NC 28605